notice We advise you before checking your friends secret crush you need to check your Love Meter πŸ‘‰ Love CalculatorπŸ˜ƒ



It quite simple just enter your name and your question then generate a link and send it to your friends. Send A Secret Message

You just need to enter your name after successfully generate your link you can share this link with your crush or friends. After that, if your crush visits and write his/her thoughts magic will happen.
You will be get notified.

You ask the very genuine questions many of the Send Secret Message available on the internet but we are different from them. We ensure your security and provide a great user experience for the user.

As of now Send Secret Message supports only English.

How to Play Send Secret Messages With Friends?

  • Create your Secret Message link just by enter your name then generate your link.
  • Share Your unique link with your friends, to your crush, family via Whatsapp or Facebook
  • Whenever they will open link they will see Secret message form.
  • Once they fill the secret message you will get name and secret message on the dashboard.